Business Owners

The process of exploring a sale can be overwhelming

From business valuation to financing to tax implications to marketing, selling a business can be a complex and timely process. Most business owners have spent their entire career perfecting their trade, so to no one’s surprise, when it comes to selling their business, they often have no idea where to begin.

Whitewater Capital Partners acts as a resource for business owners who are interested in pursuing an exit, providing whatever resources necessary to guide business owners through a sale.

Exploring a sale is one of the most vulnerable and emotional processes a business owner will ever have to face

For many owners, the first emotions experienced around the sale of your business will be excitement, exhilaration, and pride. The culmination of all your hard work is nearing an end, and with that, emotions follow.

We understand how much of your personal life is tied up in your business. Some of your best friends are probably co-workers, customers, and vendors, and you’ve spent an incredible amount of mental capacity thinking about your company. In short, you care not only about the outcome of the transaction, but also about what happens to the business, employees, and customers post-sale.

Partner with someone that cares

At Whitewater Capital Partners, we have a deep passion for cultivating commerce in the great state we call home. Where financial return must always be a consideration, we are mission-focused investors where impact plays a role in our investment thesis. Delivering life-long entrepreneurs the chance to capitalize on their countless hours of commitment, while understanding the sensitivity of the transaction and its impact on the community, Whitewater will always maintain a loyalty to previous stakeholders.

Learn more about your options.

Whitewater Capital Partners may be a natural partner to acquire your business, but in any case, we are happy to provide the knowledge and guidance that business owners require to get the process started (for FREE).